1.36. Release Notes 1.0.0rc2

NetSpyGlass v1.0 Release Candidate 2

1.36.1. Improvements in the Server

  • API call used to populate filter in the Graphing Workbench has been optimized to make it faster. The user should see significant improvement in the time it takes to open GW in the UI.

  • We have added Python library function left_join() that matches monitoring variables from two lists or generators by device and component and returns corresponding tuples. This function is similar to mvar_zip(), but left_join() yields items from the first list that do not have corresponding items in the second. In this case it yields tuple where second item is None

  • the server is now going to cache prepared monitor configuration data to avoid runnig expensive reconfiguration process every time monitor reconnects. This helps reduce memory usage and GC activity when monitor restarts often.

  • We now record the time it takes to discover each device. Discovery of devices that take longer starts first. This reduces overall time it takes to discover all devices.

  • beginning with this release, administrator can use configuration parameters to control the name of hbase table, graphite top level name space and InfluxDb database name. Corresponding parameters are:

    • monitor.storage.hbase.table ( default value is “netspyglass-“${network.name} )
    • monitor.storage.graphite.nameSpace ( default value is “netspyglass.”${network.name} )
    • monitor.storage.influxdb.database ( default value is “netspyglass-“${network.name} )

1.36.2. Bugs fixed in this release

  • fixed bug in the library function percentile() used to calculate N-th percentile of values of observations in the time series of a monitoring variable
  • fixed bug in the file watcher component that used to send FileChanged event twice for each file change under some circumstances
  • a memory leak where the server would take Python interpreter objects from the pool but never return them on every reconfiguration has been fixed.
  • fixed bug that prevented NetSpyGlass from discovering network links between Juniper and Arista switches using LLDP information