.. _tags: Tags **** Tags in NetSpyGlass are organized in "facets". Facets represent certain characteristics or aspects of devices, interfaces or hardware components. For example, devices can be classified by their role, such as "Switch", "Router" or "Load Balancer". Tags that belong to facet "Role" describe this characterisation. Other tag facets can be used to classify devices and components in many different ways. It is possible to add many tags that belong to the same facet. NetSpyGlass groups facets internally to separate tags that belong to a device from tags that belong to its interfaces. This way, the system can display only essential tags in different parts of the UI to avoid clutter. NetSpyGlass server defines set of tag facets it uses to attach information about devices, network interfaces, hardware components, protocols and firewall counters to objects created during network discovery. Some of these facets are explained below. You can add your own tags using tag selector Python hook script (see :ref:`user_defined_tags`). Tag Facets ========== **Explicit**: this facet holds tags assigned by the user in the application. Each tag is just a word and tags in this facet can be assigned to devices and interfaces. Tags that describe device ------------------------- **Vendor** : vendor name, 'Cisco', 'Juniper' etc **Role** : device role, one of the following: - Unknown - SimulatedNode - SimulatedBridge - Router - Switch - Server - LoadBalancer - WirelessClient - WirelessAP - Firewall - eBgpPeer - iBgpPeer **Protocol** : protocols this device runs. Possible values are: - Unknown - Stp_Off - UnknownStp - Stp - Sstp ( 802.1q ) - Rstp ( 802.1W ) - PVST - PvstPlus - RapidPvst - Mistp - MistpPvstPlus - Mst ( IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) - VPLS - OSPF - BGP4 **OSPFArea** : OSPF areas this device is a member of, as numbers **BGP4LocalAS** : Local AS **BGP4Peer** : this facet holds two kinds of tags: AS numbers (strings such as "AS174") and BGP peer name (e.g. "myrouter1") Tags that describe interfaces ----------------------------- **ifRole** : interface role. Possible values: - Unknown - RouterInterface - UntaggedSwtichPort - TaggedSwtichPort - OutOfBandManagement - VlanInterface - VirtualInterface - BroadcastTypeInterface - LoopbackInterface - SimulatedInterface - WLan - Internal (e.g. unit 32767 on Juniper. We ignore these while building L2 topology) - Tunnel - PeeringInterface - OspfInterface **ifSpeed** : interface speed as a string, e.g. "1G", "10G" **ifType** : the value of ifType from RFC1213 MIB **ifAdminStatus** : administrative status (Up, Down, Testing) **ifOperStatus** : operational status (Up, Down, Testing) **ifDescription** : this facet holds tags generated from interface descriptions **Link** : tags in this facet describe the opposite end of the network link terminated on the interface **ifBGP4Peer** : tags in this facet describe BGP4 peer connected to the inteface. Tag words are in the form "ASxxxx" (where 'xxxx' is the AS number) or the host name of the iBGP peer. **OSPFState** : tags in this facet describe OSPF state of the interface. Values can be as follows: - unknown - down - loopback - waiting - pointToPoint - designatedRouter - backupDesignatedRouter - otherDesignatedRouter **ifVlan** : vlan number the interfave is a member of. Tagged ports have multiple tags in this facet **Aggregator** : tags in this facet are assigned to 802.3ad aggregation ports and describe aggregator port they belong to. For example, if 802.3ad aggregator port Port-Channel1 consists of aggregation ports Gi0/10, Gi0/11, then interface Port-channel1 will gets tag "ifRole.Aggregator" and interfaces Gi0/10 and Gi0/11 get tags "ifRole.AggregationPort" and "Aggregator.Po1" How Tags are Assigned ===================== Many tags are assigned by the server at the end of the discovery run to attach information about devices and their components to internal objects that represent them in NetSpyGlass. At this point NetSpyGlass have already learned everything it can about devices: vendor, model, inventory of interfaces and hardware components and network topology. This informaion is used to assing tags to objects that represent devices, interfaces, hardware components, protocols, firewall counters etc. We call tags assigned this way "implicit", thet are immutable and are reassigned again are the end of the next discovery run. The next step after implicit tags are assigned is to call Python hook script described by the configuration parameter ``tagSelector`` in the configuration file `nw2.conf`. If this parameter is absent, the system uses default tag selector script that ships as an internal Java resource. We provide a copy of this script in the file `tag_selector.py` in the directory `doc` in the distribution tar archive. This copy is not actually used by the program, it is provided so you can inspect it and use it as a reference. The default `tag_selector` script does not assign any tags but defines the class and its functions and provides additional documentation in the doc strings. As with other Python hooks, configuration parameter `tagSelector` describes Python module and class name:: network { tagSelector = "tags.UserTagSelector" In this example, NetSpyGlass will try to load class `UserTagSelector` from `tags.py`. Class :class:`UserTagSelector` must be derived from the class :class:`TagSelector` described in the next section :ref:`tag_selector_class`. Once tags are assigned, they can be used in many ways. First, we can use tags to analyse devices and components and decide if they should be monitored or not. See :ref:`selection_of_components_to_monitor` for an explanation and example of how to use tags in monitoring variable builder hook script. There you will see an example of the Python function that decides which interfaces should be monitored by checkig tags of the :class:`PyNetworkInterface` object passed to it as a parameter. Once monitoring variables are created, they carry copy of the set of tags taken from the device and the component the variable corresponds to. You can use these tags to find, filter and group monitoring variables in your data processing rules script (see :ref:`rules`). This high level diagram illustrates how tags are assigned and then propagate through the system: .. image:: images/tags_assignment_flow.png .. _tag_selector_class: Tag Selector Class ================== .. automodule:: tag_selector :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. _user_defined_tags: User Defined Device Tags ======================== Python hook `tagSelector` can be used to assign tags to devices and interfaces. Here is how to do this. First, we create Python module `tags.py` in the same directory where configuration file `nw2.conf` is located. In this module we define class `UserTagSelector` as follows:: import tag_selector class UserTagSelector(tag_selector.TagSelector): def __init__(self, log, graph): super(UserTagSelector, self).__init__(log, graph) def assign_device_tags(self, device): if device.name in ['router1', 'router2']: device.tags.add('Explicit.core') device.tags.add('Explicit.test1') In this simplified example, we add tags `Explicit.core` and `Explicit.test` to devices "router1" and "router2" simply by matching their name. You can use regular expressions via Python module `re` to implement complex pattern matches or module `ipaddr` to match device addresses. In the end, to add a tag just add a string in the format "TagFacet.word" to the set `device.tags`. NetSpyGlass watches tag selector hook script and reloads configuration whenever the script is modified. There is no need to restart the system. .. _tags_examples: User Defined Interface Tags: Parsing Interface Descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------- The same python hook script can be used to add interface tags. To do this, add function `assign_interface_tags` to the class as follows:: import re from net.happygears.nw2.py.py_wrappers import PyDevice from net.happygears.nw2.py.py_wrappers import PyNetworkGraph import tag_selector class UserTagSelector(tag_selector.TagSelector): def __init__(self, log, graph): super(UserTagSelector, self).__init__(log, graph) def assign_interface_tags(self, device, interfaces): for intf in interfaces: m = re.search('T=peerAS(\d+)', intf.description) if m: asn = m.group(1) intf.tags.add('ifDescription.AS' + str(asn)) In this example we use regular expression to match pattern "T=peerAS(\d+)" in the interface description and add tag in facet `ifDescription`. The tag looks like `ifDescription.AS174` (i.e. it has peer AS number encoded in the description). You can add any number of tags to the same interface this way, however they all must belong to the facet `ifDescription` to be processed correctly by the rest of the system. The meaning of these tags is completely up to you. When a tag is added to an interface by the call to `assign_interface_tags`, the following messages appear in the log `logs/info.log`:: 2014-06-20 16:27:59,461 INFO Thread-3 [.nw2.tags.TagSelectorHook]: Device c3560g-1: Calling tag_selector Python hook 2014-06-20 16:27:59,613 INFO Thread-3 [.nw2.tags.TagSelectorHook]: Gi0/31: Adding interface tags [Explicit.test, ifDescription.AS6941] Example above demonstrates how we can parse interface description and assign tags to the network interface objects. We can take this one step further and assign tags extracted from interface description to devices on either side of the link. To do this, we'll use object :py:class:`PyNetworkGraph` passed to the constructor of the tag selector class:: import re from net.happygears.nw2.py.py_wrappers import PyDevice from net.happygears.nw2.py.py_wrappers import PyNetworkGraph class UserTagSelector(object): def __init__(self, log, graph): self.log = log self.graph = graph def assign_interface_tags(self, device, interfaces): for intf in interfaces: if 'T=transit' in intf.description: intf.tags.add('ifDescription.transit') opposite = self.graph.get_connected_device(device, intf) if opposite: opposite_dev, opposite_intf = opposite assert isinstance(opposite_dev, PyDevice) self.log.info('Device ' + device.name + ': adding tag "transit" to ' + opposite_dev.name) opposite_dev.tags.add('Explicit.transit') We use simple check to see if string "T=transit" appears somewhere in the interface description and set interface tag 'ifDescription.transit". Then we call :py:func:`get_connected_device()` on the network graph object to get device and interface on the opposite side of the link. It is possible that such device does not exist, if NetSpyGlass could not determine where this interface is connected. If this is the case, this function returns `None`. Otherwise it returns a tuple `(opp_dev, opp_intf)` where `opp_dev` is the device on the opposite side of the link (a :py:class:`PyDevice` object) and `opp_intf` is corresponding network interface (a :py:class:`PyNetworkInterface` object). We can use these two objects to add tags just like we did before, using their `tags` attribute.